- 19981110: pro/grc4fm.f (change version name)
- 19981022: (bug fixed) amp4f/kinem_7.f
The following 4 processes gave the same result of tree
calculation, i.e, without Coulomb-correction, even if
one specified Fadin(Coulomb-correction) option.
- 4 nu-mu,anti-muon,muon,nu-mu-bar
- 5 nu-tau,anti-tau,tau,nu-tau-bar
- 61 u,d-bar,d,u-bar
- 62 c,s-bar,s,c-bar
- 19980907: (bug fixed) pro/setmas.f
If one specified all helicity state(0), there was NO problem.
The bug was:
one specified right-handed (-1), grc4f will stop at the beginning.
- 19980225: (add/mod) pro/prcdbi.f (graph selection)
The following graph selections had been available.
call grcpar("set",isel,1,ier)
- isel = 2 .... ZZ
- isel =12 .... ZZ | Zg | gg
- isel = 3 .... Wln without CC03 (isel=1)
- isel = 4 .... Zll without (ZZ|Zg|gg)(isel=12)
- isel = 5 .... Znn | gnn without (ZZ|Zg|gg)(isel=12)
- isel =13 .... Wln without CC03 (isel=1) .or. CC03
( isel=1 + isel=3)
- isel =14 .... isel=4 + isel:12
- isel =15 .... isel=5 + isel:12
- 19980222 (bug fixed)grcevt.f
When one tried to execute multi-process SPRING, 2nd SPRING doesn't