MUSE: a MUltiscale Spectrum Evaluator


2.4. Scanning

Once MUSE is compiled, one can scan the parameter space:
  1. set
    scan mode (store to BANK)
    in `nume.dat'.
  2. run the following simple perl script (adapt the parameters to your scan)
    ATTENTION: such a scan can take a very long time:
    please check first with ten points or so to calibrate the granularity of your scan.
    # This script is scanning two variables within given interval
    # and with a given step, put them in the DATA file

    $xmin = 50;
    $xmax = 60;
    $xnstep = 101;
    $xstep = ($xmax-$xmin)/($xnstep-1);

    $ymin = 165;
    $ymax = 200;
    $ynstep = 71;
    $ystep = ($ymax-$ymin)/($ynstep-1);


    foreach $nx (0..$xnstep-1){
    $x = $xmin + $nx * $xstep;
    foreach $ny (0..$ynstep-1){
    $y = $ymin + $ny * $ystep;
    open (MUSE,"|cat > DATA/scan.dat; time muse> /dev/null") || die"

    Error: \n";
    print MUSE "$tanbe 'tan(beta)'\n";
    print MUSE "$sgnmu 'mu'\n";
    print MUSE "$m12 'm1/2'\n";
    print MUSE "$m0 'm0'\n";
    print MUSE "$a0 'A0'\n";
    close MUSE;

  3. all the result are stored in a BANK.hex file, ready to be transfered in an n-tuple.