MUSE results: DPF points

These spectra have been computed with MUSE 1.0 (a MUlti-scale Spectrum Evaluator) implementing full trinification, top threshold and computed common SUSY threshold, with one-loop beta function.
Parameters and masses for each DPF point
ParameterPoint 1Point 2Point 3Point 5
M0 400100200 300
M1/2200300100 150
A0 0 0 0-600
tan(\beta) 2 2 2 2
sign(\mu) -1 -1 -1 1
\alpha(M_Z)^{-1} 129.9 129.8 129.0 129.5
\alpha_s(M_Z) (DR)0.1019 0.0993 0.1103 0.1064
\alpha_s(M_Z) (MS)0.1150 0.1132 0.1199 0.1182
\Lambda_{\rm GUT} 1.2729 0.9804 1.8116 1.5871
\alpha_{\rm GUT} 0.0393 0.0391 0.0402 0.0398
\sin^2\theta_W 0.2353 0.2363 0.2329 0.2339
A_{\rm top}(M_Z) -326.2 -476.2 -178.0 -342.5
\mu(M_Z) -490.7 -501.2 -249.0 437.6
\tilde{l}_1 408.9 157.3 206.5 307.5
\tilde{l}_2 426.9 241.7 215.8 321.1
\tilde{\nu} 422.4 233.6 206.7 315.1
\tilde{\tau}_1 408.5 156.9 206.1 305.8
\tilde{\tau}_2 427.0 241.8 216.1 322.2
\tilde{\nu}_\tau 422.3 233.6 206.7 314.9
\tilde{\chi}_1^0 87.6 131.9 45.3 58.0
\tilde{\chi}_2^0 173.3 256.0 96.0 109.8
\tilde{\chi}_3^0 502.7 513.8 257.1 446.7
\tilde{\chi}_4^0 511.7 520.9 274.0 466.3
\tilde{\chi}_1^\pm 173.3 256.1 95.5 108.1
\tilde{\chi}_2^\pm 510.8 520.8 272.6 463.5
h_0 78.1 82.8 67.9 91.2
H_0 729.0 610.5 369.4 636.2
A_0 724.7 605.2 361.0 632.7
H^\pm 728.9 610.2 369.7 637.6
\tilde{u}_1 570.0 601.8 298.8 437.7
\tilde{u}_2 582.5 628.8 303.9 446.7
\tilde{d}_1 569.2 599.1 299.8 437.7
\tilde{d}_2 585.7 631.7 310.0 450.8
\tilde{t}_1 403.6 506.7 259.1 172.6
\tilde{t}_2 533.7 625.8 321.6 487.4
\tilde{b}_1 489.9 571.6 262.7 364.0
\tilde{b}_2 569.2 599.7 299.9 438.0
\tilde{g} (pole) 517.0 713.8 282.9 399.3
\tilde{g} 514.8 755.5 272.1 398.2
t (running) 161.7 160.4 164.4 159.7
h_0 (Ellis) 80.2 84.2 69.9 93.2
H_0 (Ellis) 729.2 610.8 369.7 636.3
\Lambda_{\rm SUSY} 87.80 93.73 37.85 82.17

Please send comments and questions on these web pages to
Vincent LAFAGE <>

Copyright (C) 1999 Vincent LAFAGE, KEK, Oho 1-1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 305-0801, Japan

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.

Last modified: Thu Feb 18 20:24:37 JST 1999

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