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3rd Computational Particle Physics Workshop

In March,1990, from Russia, Holland, Germany, Japan and other nations, we got together in Lyon at the first AIHEP/ACAT workshop for a first ever joint meeting on "Symbolic manipulation techniques for particle physics", a topic we were all involved in, although independently.

At that time, high energy physics was requiring higher precision calculations due to the reach to higher energies, to high resolution detectors and to the need for a precise confirmation of the Standard model at e+ecolliders. There were lots of processes to be evaluated precisely. However human power and resources were rather limited and large-scale computations were actually impossible in practice. Even for skillful craftsmen, it seemed to be very hard to perform all calculation only by hands. "Render unto Computer the things which are Computer's", was our goal. We therefore created a collaboration aiming for the development of automatic-calculation systems for high energy physics.

Twenty years have past. The calculations of Feynman amplitudes in high energy physics are no more handicraft industries. Through the industrial revolution, they have grown up to become powerful automatic-systems far from the mere academic teaching tools that some of our detractors were confining them. These systems are now indispensable tools for high-energy physics. Automatic-systems are now mature enough to be used by experimental physicists, especially for tree-level calculations. Many problems are solved but many new targets have become visible, including higher-order (loops) calculations and a variety of models beyond the standard model appearing one right after the other. Our collaboration has still a lot to provide and should be pursued one way or the other.

This year is the 20-years anniversary after the epoch-making 1st AIHENP workshop at Lyon. Making use of this chance, let us meet together again to discuss what we have achieved and to explore the perspective for the next decade.

Based on the spirit above, we would like to organize the 3rd Computational Particle Physics workshop, at KEK, Japan from 23/Sep./2010 to 25/Sep./2010. We look forward to making this exciting event fruitful and we wish your active participation.

Computational Particle Physics Workshop2010
International Organizing Committee

V. Ilyin(Moscow State Univ.)
T. Kaneko(KEK)
D. Perret-Gallix(CNRS)
J. Vermaseren (NIKHEF)

Last Update: 19 September 2010